New Store Item: IBM 15pin to Apple 9pin Joystick Adapter / Mockingboard v1b

We’re glad to announce a new corroborative item available to the Apple II Community: The IBM 15pin to Apple 9pin Joystick Adapter (in kit form or assembled).  Design and layout by Tom Arnold from, and brought to you by ReActiveMicro.

You may remember Tom from the Mockingboard v1a clone project.  He has designed the IBM 15pin to Apple 9pin Joystick Adapter which allow IBM Joysticks to be used on the Apple II.  Beside the obvious connector differences, IBM being a DB15 and the Apple being a DB9 connector, the “guts” inside the Joystick are incompatible as well.  The signals produced by IBM Joystick are incompatible on the Apple II even if you wire the connectors to be the same.  The Adapter Tom created corrects the incompatible signals and brings them back in to a range the Apple II can understand.  Standard on the Adapter are potentiometers to adjust and fine tune the X and Y Axis outputs.  This insures a wide range of compatibility with many IBM Joysticks.

The IBM 15pin to Apple 9pin Joystick Adapter project is also another great example of how ReActiveMicro can help you bring your projects to the Apple II Community. As your Active partner we handle as much of the process as you desire. In this case Tom chose to create, stock parts, and assemble boards himself. We also offer this service if needed. However the main service ReActiveMicro offers is handling the logistics involved with inventory management, order processing, shipping, and support. You don’t need to worry about any of these, which frees you up to do what you do best – create and get paid for it! Have something you would like to make and sell but don’t want to deal with all the details and frustrations of business and customers? Contact Sales for details.

The IBM 15pin to Apple 9pin Joystick Adapter is available now in the ReActiveMicro Store for the IIe, IIc, IIgs, and clones.  It comes in two flavors.  A fully assembled unit, or for those who like to solder as a kit which you assemble:
SOLD OUT! (link removed)

You can also read about the Adapter on our Wiki:
Anyone who would like to review the adapter can add their video to the Wiki. It’s open to the whole Community and anyone can edit and add things they wish.


IN RELATED NEWS… Mockingboard – New Run of Cards Coming Soon!
Tom Arnold has been in discussion with us about a new run of Mockingboards since there has been some inquiry lately.  The project would be called “Mockingboard v1b” and have some slight changes to it, mainly a fix for the reverse channel issue.  We’re unsure of the total number that will be created, however you can preorder yours today to make sure you’re one of the happy recipients:
SOLD OUT! (link removed)
And as always, be sure to check out our Wiki for more information on projects or for support.

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