New Lower Price for the ReActiveMicro Drive/Turbo!

We’re overjoyed to announce we are now able to offer the ReActiveMicro Drive/Turbo at a new lower price of $115, and now standard a 512MB CF Card! Business has been growing and we managed to hit a new volume witch allows us to buy boards in larger bulk and pass the savings on to you. This will also mean lower prices on released items in the future. Thanks to everyone for your support and helping us achieve this level of success. And the rest of the year looks to be even better – for all of us in the Community.

For recent customers in the past 3 months who purchased a ReActiveMicro Drive/Turbo you are eligible to purchase more units at an even lower price of $90. Another way ReActiveMicro strives to support those who have supported us and to give back to the Community.

And as always we also offer bulk deals of 4 or more units for those with larger collections or group buys to be sent overseas to save on shipping. Contact Sales for more information and pricing.

We’re by means done with updates either. A few more are still right around the corner!

And as always, be sure to check out our Wiki for more information on projects or for support. And be sure to subscribe to our news feed to be the first to know about our next release!

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