
Authorized Dealer/Partner with Glitchworks and New Store Item

We’re glad to announce a new company has been added to the ReActiveMicro lineup, and big warm welcome to Glitchworks!

ReActiveMicro is now an Authorized Dealer and Partner with Glitchworks in an effort to continue to bring great products to the Apple II Community. There may even be some collaborative projects in the future between the two hardware designers.

Up till now Glitchworks has only sold their Apple II Prototyping Board by word-of-mouth and email lists. Community members found it hard to place an order, and most never knew the board even existed. Glitchworks is a company that designs hardware and isn’t as adapt in all areas of business logistics. This however is where ReActievMicro excels and can easily assist in bring projects to the Community while allowing designers to do what they do best. We’re now helping by providing a simple way for users to find and purchase the Apple II Prototyping Board using the ReActievMicro Store:

Attending KFEST? Look for the Glitchworks Apple II Prototyping Board to make an appearance on our Vendor table.

And as always, be sure to check out our Wiki for more information on projects or for support. And be sure to subscribe to our news feed to be the first to know about our next release!

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