End Of Month Power Sale!
ReActiveMicro Universal PSU Kit is now only $60!
Assembled UltraWarp is now only $95!
ReActiveMicro Universal PSU Kit is now only $60! New stock is scheduled to arrive at the end of April and now’s your chance to grab a deal and reserve your unit today.
The Universal PSU Kit v1.1 is a replacement Power Supply Unit for your Apple II and /// system. It is user installable in your existing metal Power Supply Enclosure. Takes about 15 minutes with basic tools. Comes with all connectors and parts necessary for all Apple II Enclosures.
Order two or more and receive a bulk discount!
The UltraWarp assembled only $95! Kits are now $85! Limited stock of assembled units can ship while supplies last. Kits are scheduled to arrive in about 45 days.
The UltraWarp is designed to allow the Apple II/+ and IIe to run at faster than 1Mhz. Standard is a WDC 65816, 16-bit processor. The board comes standard with a 13Mhz oscillator. The board however can run faster for those looking to overclock. Limited stock at the moment, so get yours before they are gone! 40 day wait for backorders.
Offers ends soon, get your order in today!
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