New Store Item: TransWarp GS Upgrade Service And Related Parts

We’re glad to announce an old item has made a return to the ReActiveMicro Store:
The TransWarp GS Upgrade Service, 816 CPU, High Speed 32k Cache Card, High Speed GAL Set, CPU Cable, Oscillators, and Cooling Fan.

Finally, everything you need to upgrade your AE TransWaeg GS is in one convient place. Not confident or skilled enough to upgrade the board yourself? No problem! Send it to us to be professionally overclocked.

The TransWarp GS Upgrade Service was previously offered by ReActiveMicro. This however marks its official reoffering since our full return back to the retro screen in mid-July 2016. In the past users could email us and request the service. Now it’s available with a simple click.

We replace your CPU with a modern WDC 14MHz unit. The Cache Card is also replaced if needed, and upgraded to 32k. We replace or reprogram GALs as needed. A new oscillator is installed with the goal of 16MHz being reached and stable*. Weak ICs are hunted down and replaced as required. New power filter capacitors are installed to replace the old dry electrolytic ones which helps with general stability. A cooling fan is connected to the card for 16MHz stability. And lastly a new CPU Cable is included with the upgrade as the old one can be unreliable and is easily broken. If you want a trouble-free board and no headaches, this is the only way to go.

Available now for only $195.

And for the do-it-yourselfers…

Western Design Center’s W65C816S 14MHz CPU. Now only $20.

High Speed 32k Cache Card. Now only $40.

High Speed Upgrade GAL Set. Now only $20.

TransWarp GS CPU Cable. Now only $25.

Oscillators from 14-18MHz TWGS speed. Now only $10 each.

Cooling Fan Kit. Now only $25.

And as always, be sure to check out our Wiki for more information on projects or for support. And be sure to subscribe to our news feed to be the first to know about our next release!

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