Project Update: TransWarp GS v1.1 – Delivery Monday

Some good news with the TransWarp GS v1.1 delivery. Monday the 5th has been confirmed as the firm delivery date by DHL.

After going back and forth with Customs and DHL we have finally worked out the duties dispute which has delayed delivery for many days now, and of course we have lost. I use a collective “we” as the new tafferifs enacted against China hurt us all to the tune of at least 10% tax being added to all items from China. But there are also more processing fees added and of course the growing power and staff of the different government departments which will cost more to operate. So expect at least a 15% price increase in the coming year across all our Store items.

We at ReActiveMicro have always been very politically active and have done everything possible to help keep prices low and fight expansion of government powers and taxes. The recently lost Internet Sales Tax decision was one such example, and one that will be affecting us all in the near future. Net Neutrality is yet another. It’s sad to see how few people concern themselves with the affairs of their government. All we can recommend is vote on a person’s record and not what is said or written about them. And always look in to third party options during all elections. Writing you officials is also a good way to address issues. Enough political rants and back to the update.

The TransWarp GS delivery should arrive Monday afternoon. At which time we will post another update and pics of the new stock. In the meantime a few users have gotten cold feet and have canceled their orders. This has made a few more boards available. The new price however is $450USD which deals with the new taxes discussed above, and to help cover the lost fees with canceling orders. Most users don’t understand or care that when an order is canceled we incur fees besides the lost time in dealing with issues and emails. And in some cases PayPal will freeze funds which also causes even more potential issues behind the scene with funds we thought we had but didn’t. These fees are then added to prices. So when you cancel an order you tend to hurt all Community members in the process. This goes for all vendors and not just us. And in our case we also maintain a Black List, or Wall of Shame as we call it, to deal with “problemed” users who tend to hurt us all. We’re saddened to see the list grow to over ten users now. The vast majority of our patrons however do understand what a presale is and how it works, the complexity of the project, how we have accomplished the near impossible, and what the term “expected delivery date” actually means and how it can and does change. Thanks again to all who have stuck by us, for your trust, and patience with this project. Thanks to you we have achieved a new level of sales and business growth. And in return we hope to be able to provide even more varied and complex projects in the coming year. It’s Community members such as yourself who are the ones that make projects like these possible. And we’re glad to help support all of you!

Thanks again to one and all for their support and patience. And expect another update like this on Monday, however this time with news of stock being FINALLY received and starting to ship.

And as always, be sure to check out our Wiki for more information on projects or for support. And be sure to subscribe to our news feed to be the first to know about our next release!

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One Response to Project Update: TransWarp GS v1.1 – Delivery Monday

  1. Jeff42150 November 2, 2018 at 1:19 PM #

    Looking forward to seeing this card and what it will do for my trusty IIgs. Strong work men…. - Apple II and 8/16bit Hardware    

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