
New Stock: Replica 1 Kit, RAMWorks IIII, and MicroDrive/Turbo

New stock has arrived for the Replica 1 Kit, RAMWorks IIII, and MicroDrive/Turbo.

The Replica 1 Plus comes assembled, or in kit form for those who want the true 1976 homebrew computer experience. It is an exact duplicate of the famous first computer by Apple Computer, designed by Steve Wozniak.

Now only $184.99 for assembled version, and $135 for the kit version!

The RAMWorks IIII Kit comes assembled, or in kit form for those who want the true 1976 homebrew computer experience. It adds 4 Megs of Auxiliary RAM to your Apple IIe and takes place of your 80 Column Card.

Now only $90 for assembled version, and $65 for the kit version!

The MicroDrive/Turbo is the fastest mass storage solution for the Apple II. Comes standard with gold edge connector for trouble free long life (as do all ReActiveMicro products). Also standard is a resettable fuse to protect users who accidently insert a CF Card backwards. The 512MB CF Card comes preloaded with a ProDOS image from John M Holmes Jr which contains the most useful programs, utilities, games, and the newest v2.4.2 of ProDOS from John Brooks. Thanks to John and John for their hard work on making something useful and beneficial to all users, new and experienced alike!

Now only $95 each, and lower priced in bulk orders of two or more!

And as always, be sure to check out our Wiki for more information on projects or for support. And be sure to subscribe to our news feed to be the first to know about our next release!

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