New Store Items – 12-inch LCD Display, and HDMI Video Adapter

We’re glad to announce two new video items in the ReActiveMicro Store:
The ReActiveMicro 12-inch LCD Display, and ReActiveMicro Mini AV2HDMI Video Adapter

Composite video retro computer users now have two new options to help migrate to the newest HDMI displays. The 12″ LCD Display offered by ReActiveMicro allows Replica 1, Apple ///, II, II Plus, IIe, IIc, and IIc Plus users to connect and display their Apple >composite< system to a modern monitor. NOT for IIgs RGB usage but can be used on the IIgs composite port.

This higher end LCD monitor allows users to connect an Apple II system and display excellent 40 column, 80 column, and color graphics. No extra adapter needed. Connect it and forget about it. Simple to use and comes fully tested and setup for plug and play use out of the box. The display comes with speakers built in and can connect to any ReActiveMicro sound card or audio card with 3.5mm audio jack.

Comes with a high quality gold connector cables. The 12″ LCD Display is intended to be used with the composite port connection to your Apple system, however it also offers VGA (not 15khz compatible) and HDMI inputs. The 12″ size is comparable to the Apple II Color Display size, and also travels well.

New stock arrives on FRIDAY. And we plan to maintain stock and support for these units, so no worry about limited stock, quality, or price gouging issues as experienced with similar past solutions. Reviews can be seen from our Wiki page:

Available now only $155.00 fully tested and setup. All orders ship on Monday the 12th.

The next item is the Mini AV2HDMI Video Adapter offered by ReActiveMicro. It allows Replica 1, Apple ///, II, II Plus, IIe, IIc, and IIc Plus users to connect their Apple >composite< system to a modern HDMI monitor. NOT for IIgs RGB usagebut can be used on the IIgs composite port.

The concept of this adapter is to allow users to connect an Apple II system to an existing HDMI monitor. Connect it and forget about it. Simple to use and no settings required. The adapter also allows for input of sound to use the monitor as desktop speakers. Comes with a high quality gold connector cables.

Available now only $35.00. All orders ship immediately.

And as always, be sure to check out our Wiki for more information on projects or for support. And be sure to subscribe to our news feed to be the first to know about our next release!

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