Black Friday Weekend Sale And New Items!

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We have a new website and store setup which has delayed us a little with updates, sales, and projects. However we’re done now and all items will be able to ship faster and for less money. Please let us know if you find any issues or dead links so we can fix them. Thanks for your patience during our growth spurt!

We’re glad to announce several new items in the ReActiveMicro Store:

First is the IIe Cooler:

The IIe Cooler is the newest and simplest way to provide power management and Active cooling to your II+ and IIe.

The ReActiveMicro Universal Power Supply is now available without the kit for those who want to use it with Amstrad systems or create their own Apple power supply replacement.

We also offer a Power Supply rebuild service for those of you who don’t feel comfortable doing it yourself.

Send us your existing Power Supply and we will upgrade it for you, fully test it, and return it ready to plug and play.

For those who would like to go the easiest route and just purchase a replacement Power Supply, or want to have a backup ready to go, we now have a limited stock of already upgraded units for the IIgs and IIe. (dead link, retired 2018-11-05)

The last of the new items is the Apple II Power Supply Switch. This switch is a replacement for the older II / II+, and some IIe power supplies. The old switches are worn out and tend to either not work or become stuck. Now is your chance to replace that old switch you have been fighting.

We also have some previously sold out items back in the Store:

The IIgs ROM 0/1 Battery Caddy. It’s a simple, safe, and low cost way to replace your old leak-prone IIgs batteries. This caddy works using two AAA batteries.

We now stock the batteries for your IIgs ROM 3 or many Macintosh computers. ReActiveMicro is your one stop shop for your Apple II needs. No small order fees like some other distributors have.

Also in stock in the IIgs ROM 3 battery cover. This part is often lost or broken.


And as always, be sure to check out our Wiki for more information on projects or for support. And be sure to subscribe to our news feed to be the first to know about our next release!

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