TransWarp GS
This is a PRESALE for the TransWarp GS v2 from Due to current IC shortages, your patience and understanding is appreciated if we pass any expected delivery date.
The current goal will be to complete the v2.0 design we have been working on since our return to the Community in 2016. It’s not impossible we may rerun the UM v1.1 cards if we find some major hurdles with the v2.0 project. Either way there will be more IIgs accelerators. This is not a simple or small project. Some even stated it is impossible. We like accomplishing the impossible.
This not a completely new design. We plan to modernize AE’s original work and fix some of the timing issues, so you’re guaranteed this project will work 100% across all IIgs systems. We’re not sure of top speed, however 16MHz will be the slowest we expect from the cards. We also are making it a goal to allow the new card to run without active cooling (fan) so you won’t have a slot blocked by a fan. The board will also be smaller and require a lot less power.
For best results and stability we highly recommend all users of the TransWarp GS replace their existing old power supply with the new Universal PSU Kit from
Fully compatible and tested on the IIgs ROM1 and ROM3. Plug and play ready out of the box.
Read more about the TransWarp GS on our Wiki.
Reviews and Support are there also.
Available on backorder
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