
New Store Items: TWGS CPU Cable and II/+ ROM Adapters

We’re glad to announce a few new ReActiveMicro items available to the Apple II Community: TWGS CPU Cable, II/+ ROM Adapters, and Breadboard Adapters.

ReActiveMicro has designed several versions of the TransWarp GS CPU Cables over the years, and we saw room for improvement over our old design. As most TransWarp GS owners already know, the board does not use a standard ‘straight through’ CPU Cable. Our unique design addresses this by using a small PCB to allow for lower cost and better reliability than other past or currently available solutions. This current version of CPU Cable is also more robust and will take more abuse than all past versions of the design.

The ReActiveMicro design features a gold plated 40 Pin DIP Plug which connects to the IIgs system’s motherboard. The other end connects to your TransWarp GS just as the original one does. If you’re in need of a new CPU Cable or just want a dependable backup then THIS is your best option to date.



Recently a user contacted us who was working on an Apple II restoration project.  They wanted to know if we still sold our old Apple II/+ ROM Adapters, which they would be able to use to verify the system ROMs.  The ROMs in the II/+ are 9316A series and incompatible with the more common 2716 series.  As a result modern IC Programmers are unable to support the older ROMs.  Our old Adapters were no longer being produced so we revised and fixed a few things, added a ZIF Socket, and created the new 9316A ROM Reader Adapter.  Once the Adapter is installed in your IC Programmer you will be able to read and verify your 9316A series ROMs.  This Adapter is great for your restoration work needs of backing up ROMs, or verifying them to known good BIN files and making sure the ROMs are in working order.



Also newly redesigned are our II/+ ROM Adapters.  We now feature a removable DIP EEPROM or the less expensive non-removable SOIC EEPROM.  Both Adapters now utilize a built in Inverter which converts the Chip Select line and allows the ROM to be “switched out” when ROMs on the Language Card are used.  The 28C64 DIP EEPROM is also electrically erasable and is supported by the newest IC Programmers.  If you need new or replacement ROMs for your Apple II or II+ then these Adapters are what you have been waiting for!



And as always, be sure to check out our Wiki for more information on projects or for support. And be sure to subscribe to our news feed to be the first to know about our next release!


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