UltraWarp 13Mhz Accelerator – Assembled or Kit


This is the UltraWarp v1.91G Accelerator with 13MHz oscillator*. Designed by Michael Mengel. For use in the II, II+, IIe, IIe Enhanced, and all clones. Comes assembled or in kit form.

ReActiveMicro is now an Authorized Dealer and Partner with Michael Mengel in an effort to help bring more great products to the Apple II Community. If we back another vendor’s product, you know it’s of the highest quality and can be trusted.

Read more about the UltraWarp v1.91G Accelerator on our Wiki.

Reviews, Install Guide, and Support are there also.

If you haven’t fully rebuilt or replaced your power supply with a Universal PSU Kit then we HIGHLY recommend doing so before using the UltraWarp card.

*The speed test results of the UltraWarp (https://wiki.reactivemicro.com/Accelerator_Speeds) have been independently verified by users. As noted on the Wiki page other boards have not been able to be verified.
*The UltraWarp is also 100% Apple II and II+ compatible unlike other boards as noted on the Wiki page.
*16bit mode is native with the UltraWarp and you DO NOT need to remove your CPU from the motherboard. This is required with other boards.

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The UltraWarp is designed to allow the Apple II/+ and IIe to run at faster than 1Mhz. Standard is a WDC 65816, 16-bit processor. The board comes with a 13Mhz oscillator, however other speeds can be used if you replace the oscillator. “Full” and “Half Can” oscillators can be used, and are able to be purchased from most major electronics part suppliers (or contact Sales)

Note: Running the UltraWarp at faster speeds can cause issues in some scenarios. The card or Apple II won’t be damaged, but your programs can crash or lockup.

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Additional information

Weight 0.75 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 4 × 2 in
Assembled or Kit?

Assembled, Kit

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