
New Project Release – Apple II Plus, Rev 7 RFI Motherboard, 27-Series

We’re glad to announce a new project release:
The Apple II Plus, Rev 7 RFI Motherboard, 27-Series

We’re glad to announce the release of the Apple II Plus, Rev 7 RFI Motherboard, which now offers 27-Series system ROM support and come with all system ROMs installed. Those who preordered should be receiving notice of their orders being sent shortly.

We briefly mentioned this version of the project during our last announcement. Now the more common 27-Series ROMs are supported directly on the new motherboard. No need for special adapters or mods. We go in to more of the differences on our Wiki page:

The Apple II Plus, Rev 7 RFI Motherboard project is offered in several options. As assembled or kit, with and without ICs and DRAM, and in 93-series ROM (original) or 27-series ROM. It is designed to be a replacement motherboard for your existing Apple II and II Plus. It’s an exact clone of the last revision Apple made, which includes all fixes and mods as well as RFI reduction enhancements.

Available now only $299.99 fully assembled, with all ICs. And in Kit form for only $225.00 with all ICs. Other options and pricing available.

And as always, be sure to check out our Wiki for more information on projects or for support. And be sure to subscribe to our news feed to be the first to know about our next release!

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