No Slot Clock from Manila Gear


This is the No Slot Clock v1.1 from Manila Gear.

ReActiveMicro is now an Authorized Dealer and Partner with Manila Gear in an effort to help bring more great products to the Apple II Community. If we back another vendor's product, you know it's of the highest quality and can be trusted.

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The No Slot Clock allows your Apple II to remember the date and time. It will work on an Apple II, Apple II+, Apple IIe, Apple IIc, and Clone systems.  It features dual break-off battery holders so you can install it however you like if space is tight.  The No Slot Clock does not fit in to the IIc or IIc+ with a RAM Card installed.

NOTE: In order to keep costs as low as possible the No Slot Clock comes with NO batteries installed.  You can add them as an option or supply your own.

You can order the NSC in one of three pre-configured versions, based on where you plan to use it:
II or II+ motherboard
IIe or IIc motherboard, or slot card with a 28 pin EPROM (e.g. MicroDrive)
Slot card with a 24 pin EPROM (e.g. Super Serial Card)


  • Break-off battery holders. Requires 1 or 2 CR2032 batteries.
  • Switchable configuration: can be used on a II or II+, or a IIe or IIc.
  • Machine pin socket on top.
  • Regular IC socket on the bottom to preserve your motherboard / slot card IC socket (no more “socket stretch”!)
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Additional information

Weight .2 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 1.5 × 1.5 in
Computer Model


Battery Option

0, 1, 2 - Apple II and 8/16bit Hardware