A2FPGA Multicard


The A2FPGA Multicard from A2FPGA. HDMI video and sound for the Apple II, II+, //e, and IIgs!

ReActiveMicro is an authorized dealer and partner with A2FPGA in an effort to help bring more great products to the Apple II Community. If we back another vendor’s product you know it’s of the highest quality and can be trusted.

The A2FPGA Multicard consists of an Apple II peripheral card PCB that can be installed in any Apple II slot (slot-7 recommended) that interfaces a modern FPGA to the Apple II bus. The FPGA interfaces with the Apple II bus to capture all accesses to display memory in order to drive a 480p HDMI display as well a providing the functionality of a number of popular peripheral cards in a single Apple II slot. The A2FPGA has been tested with Apple II, II+, //e, and IIgs models.

**The A2FPGA is fully DMA compliant and cards such as the MicroDrive/Turbo work with DMA mode enabled.**

Basic functionality provided:
720×480 HDMI output supporting all Apple II, //e, & IIgs display modes
Mockingboard sound compatibility
Both Apple II system audio AND Mockingboard audio are output to your HDMI display’s speakers
Synetix SuperSprite and Ciarcia EZ-Color TMS9918a compatibility

The A2FPGA firmware is easily updated on any PC or Mac and is based on open-source code so that new functionality and bug fixes from the developer community can be added over time. You can learn more about this exciting project on its public GitHub repository: https://github.com/a2fpga/a2fpga_core. The team also maintains a presence on X (formerly Twitter) here: https://twitter.com/a2fpga. “Open-Source Core” means anyone can edit, add, or modify how the card functions. Currently users could work on modifying Mockingboard support to add Phasor support and SSI-263 speech support.


More information, specs, and core/firmware updates can be found here on A2FPGA’s GITHUB page: https://github.com/a2fpga/a2fpga_core. ReActiveMicro will also provide free updating service to your board should it be desired (shipping charged may apply).

Read more about the A2FPGA on our Wiki.

Setup info and Support are there also.

NOTE: Firmware can be changed as needed by the user (requires cable and software). See the RM Wiki page for procedure should you choose to change the firmware. If you have cards in Slot 2, 4, or 7 then be sure to select the correct firmware or those installed cards may not work correctly.

SKU: N/A Category:

Additional information

Weight .6 lbs
Dimensions 2 × 6 × 6 in

HD Video Only (all slots open), HD Video, SSC Slot 2, HD Video, SSC Slot 2, Mockingboard Slot 4, HD Video, Mockingboard Slot 4, HD Video, SSC Slot 2, Mockingboard Slot 4, SuperSprite Slot 7


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