Replica 1 Plus from Briel Computers – Assembled or Kit

(2 customer reviews)


This is the Replica 1 Plus from Briel Computers.

ReActiveMicro is now an Authorized Dealer and Partner with Briel Computers in an effort to help bring more great products to the Apple II Community. If we back another vendor’s product, you know it’s of the highest quality and can be trusted.

The Replica 1 Plus comes in assembled or kit versions for those who want the true 1976 homebrew computer experience. We also sell a good quality LCD monitor or Composite to HDMI adapter for those already with an HDMI monitor which is perfect for your Replica 1 and Apple II.

Read more about the Replica 1 Plus on our Wiki.

Reviews, Install Guide, and Support are there also.

SKU: N/A Categories: ,


The Replica 1 Plus is an exact duplicate of the famous first computer by Apple Computer, designed by Steve Wozniak. Can’t afford an actual Apple 1? Now’s your chance to own a logically exact copy. Anything you can do on an actual Apple 1 you can do on the Replica 1 Plus. Want the old keyboard feel? No problem! You can even connect an ASCII keyboard to the Replica 1 Plus and enter code and commands.

Power is supplied by a 1 amp Micro USB charger, which most users will have already. If not, that’s ok too, we sell one.

Video is standard Composite output. Connect to your Apple II monitor, or to your TV using an RF Modulator. We also sell a good quality LCD monitor or Composite to HDMI adapter for those already with an HDMI monitor which is perfect for your Replica 1 and Apple II.

Keyboard can be PS/2, USB using an adapter, or ASCII.

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Additional information

Weight 0.7 lbs
Dimensions 8 × 6 × 2 in
Assembled or Kit?

Assembled, Kit

2 reviews for Replica 1 Plus from Briel Computers – Assembled or Kit

  1. Michael Watts (verified owner)

    Excellent kit so cool to feel what it was like back in the day.

  2. Kelly Loyd (verified owner)

    I received the kit this week. I am an experienced kit builder, so it went together in about 1 1/2 hours. All parts were included, fit and placement on the PCB is perfect. The gold plated pads make soldering a breeze. Follow the provided instructions and you will have no trouble. One odd thing that happened – the supplied LED appears to be “backwards” i.e. the flat on the LED body is actually the Anode, which was the longer lead as per standard. I checked it first on my LED tester and it works just fine. First time I’ve seen an LED with the flat being positive. After powering up the board with no ICs installed, it checked out on all the voltages, so I took the plunge and powered down, installed all the ICs in their sockets. Connected to my Mac and fired up minicom after checking the usb port.
    Welcome to minicom 2.8

    Compiled on Oct 25 2021, 06:07:01.
    Port /dev/cu.usbserial-A50285BI, 15:51:55

    Press CTRL-A Z for help on special keys


    0300: 82 00 00 00 00 80 02 C3
    0308: 84 00 00 00 00 00 00 90

    Worked first time!

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