ROMXc for Apple IIc


This is the ROMXc from and designed by Dean Claxton and Jeff Mazur.

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ROMXc is an in-system programmable device that replaces the MONROM and optionally, the Video ROM in your Apple IIc. It stores up to 15 ROM images, and presents them for selection via an on-screen menu system. In addition, the menu system itself (the ROMXc firmware) is updateable in-system. The ROMXc comes standard with an on-board clock (backup battery included).

What do we mean by In-System Programmable? This simply means that you can re-program ROMXc with your own ROM images and updates without removing the device from your computer, and without need for an external IC Programmer. Uploading of new ROM images is done through either the ROMXc boot menu, or by running the ROMX.DISK utility from the ROMXc floppy disk image. The firmware image is also upgradeable using the same process.

The optional ROMXc video ROM with ROM-Link cable has 32 text ROMs (fonts) that can be selected from the ROMXc menu or also associated with a specific system ROM. 16 fonts are software selectable from two banks, and banks are selected by the //c Keyboard switch. The large 32K system banks can also hold DOS, ProDOS, and complete programs for instant loading on power up. The ROMXc is preloaded with a number of ROM images including basic diagnostics.

Hardware Requirements: ROMXc will work in any Apple IIc. Does NOT work in the IIc Plus (see ROMXc+). You can also order a replacement MAP ROM which will allow you to access all 32 fonts using the keyboard switch without having it switch to the Dvorak layout.

Software and manual can be found from The ROM Exchange:

Comes as pictured, with ROMXc system ROM adapter. Video ROM adapter with connection cable sold separately.

For the optional Text ROM board, order the 28-pin ROMXce Video ROM.
For the modified MAP ROM, order the QWERTY MAP ROM.
Spare battery for the built in clock.

Note: Works great with a ZIP-CHIP!

Available on backorder

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Additional information

Weight .4 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 1 × 4 in


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